April is only four months away. If you’re planning to do any hiking in spring/summer 2016, and you’re anything like me, you’ve already settled into a mix of obsessive gear research, premature weather speculation, and message board lurking.
While preparing for our thru-hikes, we so valued the thoughtful and patient feedback we received from experienced hikers. Whether you’re thinking about hiking 2 miles or 2,000, if you have any questions at all, please drop us a line! We’d love to hear from you. Honestly.
General things we know a lot about: gear, meal-planning/logistics, transportation, picking a section hike, technology on trail.
Specific things we know a lot about: hiking with a partner or significant other, vegan backpacking / plant-based nutrition, carving out time for a long hike.
Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure,